We have just
completed selling our home in Fullerton. There are so many things that need to
be taken care of, having realtors you have confidence in is very important. We
are very happy we chose John and John. They spent many hours working with us,
and keeping our family informed. We would highly
recommend John and John to be your realtors. Not only
did we enjoy working with them, we feel like we have made two new friends.
Letter of Recommendation for TNG Real Estate Agents,John Tyler and John DeMaio They always
conducted themselves with
the utmost courtesy
and respect for
all involved. Their extensive knowledge of the processes required for both the sale
and/or the purchase side of the transactions was most helpful
as we attempted to
negotiate our way through the mountain of paperwork to complete each deal.
John and John,
I am writing
to thank you for the extraordinarily good service you provided to my parents
in selling their home of 50+ years in the President Homes track in Fullerton. When we first
met, you compared
your real estate
practice to the work a pilot flying
a passenger plane. You could not guarantee
there would be no turbulence, but promised to get us through safely
and help us reach
our destination. You more than delivered on that promise.
With your assistance, we got the house
ready to put on the market in two short weeks, and had two cash offers
at full asking
price only one week after the house was listed. In just 30 days, we closed escrow. I don't mean to suggest that we did not face any
challenges. For starters, my parents had already moved out of their home and
into an assisted living facility. You met with them several times in their new residence, and were generous
in giving them
the time they needed to ask questions and go through the many papers they had to sign. You also allowed
them to share some of their memories of the home and the neighborhood. Your caring attitude and low-pressure style
put them at ease and assured them that their questions and concerns
were taken seriously. I would also note that we sold the house during an
extended period of extremely hot weather. You stopped by the house numerous
times and attended to the yard as needed. Later on, you helped clear out boxes
and rubbish that were left over from the Estate Sale. You handled other details
as well, including installing the number of smoke detectors that was required
and hiring a carpet cleaner. This level of service went "above and
beyond" and was much appreciated, as my parents were not physically able
to attend to these matters and I was living 2,000 miles away in Washington,
Dear John & John, Thank you so much for the
professional way the two of you handled the selling of my home in
Fullerton, CA. This life changing chapter in my life has been a huge emotional
change. The two of you have gone overboard in so many ways to make
this move for me as easy as possible. Also working with my son, Dan,
was another plus. I shall be grateful. You have been a delight to work
with. As I watched you
work in my community for many months it
was evident you were an
asset to the community.
You worked overtime to present
my home in the best possible way by opening the home on weekends, meeting
the prospective buyers, and being on time with the appointments. Thank you for all your professionalism.